Kilimanjaro Climbing Kit


This kit of 9 remedies is a must for every mountain climber but especially for those attempting to summit the highest peak in Africa. At almost 6000 km, the biggest challenge in reaching the top is not your fitness level, but the ability to acclimatise and breathe in such thin air.

The remedies help on the way up, to summit and on the way down, taking into account a few possibilities of a stomach upset and malaria along the way.

The kit is small, fitting easily into your ruck sack so that you can access your remedies at any time.

What each remedy is good for are listed on the inside on the lid, and instructions on how to use the remedies are on a sticker at the back.


Order your kit, and we will send the kit to your hotel or lodge in Tanzania before your climb.

Ingredients: Arnica 30c, Aconite 30c, Altitude 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Borax 30c, Carbo-veg 30c, China-sulph 30c, Rhus-tox 30c, Ruta 30c. Made by Helios pharmacy, UK.

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This kit of 9 remedies is a must for every mountain climber but especially for those attempting to summit the highest peak in Africa. At almost 6000 km, the biggest challenge in reaching the top is not your fitness level, but the ability to acclimatise and breathe in such thin air.

The remedies help on the way up, to summit and on the way down, taking into account a few possibilities of a stomach upset and malaria along the way.

The kit is small, fitting easily into your ruck sack so that you can access your remedies at any time.

What each remedy is good for are listed on the inside on the lid, and instructions on how to use the remedies are on a sticker at the back.


Order your kit, and we will send the kit to your hotel or lodge in Tanzania before your climb.

Ingredients: Arnica 30c, Aconite 30c, Altitude 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Borax 30c, Carbo-veg 30c, China-sulph 30c, Rhus-tox 30c, Ruta 30c. Made by Helios pharmacy, UK.

This kit of 9 remedies is a must for every mountain climber but especially for those attempting to summit the highest peak in Africa. At almost 6000 km, the biggest challenge in reaching the top is not your fitness level, but the ability to acclimatise and breathe in such thin air.

The remedies help on the way up, to summit and on the way down, taking into account a few possibilities of a stomach upset and malaria along the way.

The kit is small, fitting easily into your ruck sack so that you can access your remedies at any time.

What each remedy is good for are listed on the inside on the lid, and instructions on how to use the remedies are on a sticker at the back.


Order your kit, and we will send the kit to your hotel or lodge in Tanzania before your climb.

Ingredients: Arnica 30c, Aconite 30c, Altitude 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Borax 30c, Carbo-veg 30c, China-sulph 30c, Rhus-tox 30c, Ruta 30c. Made by Helios pharmacy, UK.

Thank You to Helios Pharmacy and John Morgan for their support!

I’m a porter on the mountain. Every time I reached 3000m I stopped sleeping. I just couldn’t. Since using the remedies my sleep is back to normal.
— John Macha, Porter
I had just had Covid so my breathing was still bad and I worried about the climb. I took the remedy kit with me and used it the whole time. I took Arnica every day routinely, Carbo-veg when I couldn’t breathe, Altitude when I got a headache from lack of air. Aconite when we summited as it was freezing. I gave the remedies to my friends too and everyone was amazed how well they worked. I was the first to summit.
— Noga Sherr, UWC-East Africa
The remedies really helped me. At the top my sister went blue in the face. She was frozen as we summited at 5am. I gave her Aconite and in front of my eyes her face turned red and she was ok to continue.
— Vanessa Meulenberg
As we got higher the headaches and dizziness started. I felt awful. So I took Arnica and it helped a bit, then I took Altitude and within minutes, literally, I felt fine. When the headache returned a few hours later I just took it again and was fine.
— Jussi Kytömaa, Finland
I used Arnica every day just routinely and everything was good, but on the way down my knees started to hurt so much. I took Ruta and amazingly, the pain disappeared. I will be looking into this homeopathy! What ever it is! Before our climb I didn’t even know the word.
— Jill Madison, USA


Use Arnica daily. It will prevent mountain sickness and will ease off your aching muscles. Good for jet-lag too.

Carbo-veg is a wonderful remedy for acclimatising to higher altitudes. Good for jet lag. Take a dose as soon as you land in Tanzania.

Ars-alb is for vomiting and diarrhea.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Nothing happens if you take the wrong remedy. Simply choose another one that matches or partially matches your symptoms. Homoeopathy only works if the problem is similar to the remedy.

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