Collagen Maritima Proving


Collagen-Marine Proving by Valentina Glik & Koby Nehushtan


The proving was initiated by me (Valentina Glik) in September of 2021. This is how it came about.

Since 2019, I had been in a deteriorating state of health. Homeopathy was helping somewhat, but the number of health issues was increasing. I was suffering from insomnia, pain in the right hip, gaining weight, plus a lack of energy. I also lost three teeth at this time. I felt I had aged about ten years. The light in my eyes had disappeared.

I was looking for a solution of any kind and couldn’t find it. I put a lot of money and effort looking for a solution, and not finding it. Then, in August 2021, I heard about a seminar on antiaging homeopathic creams conducted by Koby Nehushtan. I was curious about this topic, so I decided to attend this seminar.

The main thing I learned from the seminar was that using Collagen 3C in a cream is more effective than using collagen in its crude form. I decided to try such a cream. One night I put it on my face and went to bed. Immediately after that I felt slight heart palpitations. I had suffered from these for years and it comes and goes, so I wasn’t too concerned. The next day I used the cream again, putting it on my face and going to bed. I felt very strong palpitations, which was unusual, and I couldn't sleep. After some time, I managed to fall asleep and I had a dream. I don't remember the dream itself but I remember the feeling. It was as if something was released in me, a feeling of complete harmony and happiness, a feeling of capability and light. I never felt this before and it was wonderful! In the morning I became sceptical that the Collagen 3C in the cream had affected me like a well-prescribed remedy. I decided to stop using it and to monitor my state for two weeks. After one week I discovered that I had head lice. I have no idea where they came from.

Because I was monitoring the action of the Collagen 3C, I didn't want to use another remedy. I decided to try to use the Collagen 3C in the cream to fight the lice. I put a bit of cream on the back of my neck, near the bites. The itching became less severe and after a couple of days the lice were almost gone. I don't remember if I continued using the cream after this point, or if I took Collagen 6C orally, but the lice had completely disappeared.

After that I began to sleep well, the hip pain disappeared and my energy improved. 6 This was amazing after two years of suffering. I decided to initiate a Proving of Collagen. I asked Koby Nehushtan to be my partner in this proving in September of 2021. We then collected a group of ten supervisors and ten provers.

Collagen-marine 6C and 30C were taken on 31 October, 2021. On December 16, 2021, collection of information from the provers ended. Then followed analysis of the data.

The method used was based on The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings by Jeremy Sherr.

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Collagen-Marine Proving by Valentina Glik & Koby Nehushtan


The proving was initiated by me (Valentina Glik) in September of 2021. This is how it came about.

Since 2019, I had been in a deteriorating state of health. Homeopathy was helping somewhat, but the number of health issues was increasing. I was suffering from insomnia, pain in the right hip, gaining weight, plus a lack of energy. I also lost three teeth at this time. I felt I had aged about ten years. The light in my eyes had disappeared.

I was looking for a solution of any kind and couldn’t find it. I put a lot of money and effort looking for a solution, and not finding it. Then, in August 2021, I heard about a seminar on antiaging homeopathic creams conducted by Koby Nehushtan. I was curious about this topic, so I decided to attend this seminar.

The main thing I learned from the seminar was that using Collagen 3C in a cream is more effective than using collagen in its crude form. I decided to try such a cream. One night I put it on my face and went to bed. Immediately after that I felt slight heart palpitations. I had suffered from these for years and it comes and goes, so I wasn’t too concerned. The next day I used the cream again, putting it on my face and going to bed. I felt very strong palpitations, which was unusual, and I couldn't sleep. After some time, I managed to fall asleep and I had a dream. I don't remember the dream itself but I remember the feeling. It was as if something was released in me, a feeling of complete harmony and happiness, a feeling of capability and light. I never felt this before and it was wonderful! In the morning I became sceptical that the Collagen 3C in the cream had affected me like a well-prescribed remedy. I decided to stop using it and to monitor my state for two weeks. After one week I discovered that I had head lice. I have no idea where they came from.

Because I was monitoring the action of the Collagen 3C, I didn't want to use another remedy. I decided to try to use the Collagen 3C in the cream to fight the lice. I put a bit of cream on the back of my neck, near the bites. The itching became less severe and after a couple of days the lice were almost gone. I don't remember if I continued using the cream after this point, or if I took Collagen 6C orally, but the lice had completely disappeared.

After that I began to sleep well, the hip pain disappeared and my energy improved. 6 This was amazing after two years of suffering. I decided to initiate a Proving of Collagen. I asked Koby Nehushtan to be my partner in this proving in September of 2021. We then collected a group of ten supervisors and ten provers.

Collagen-marine 6C and 30C were taken on 31 October, 2021. On December 16, 2021, collection of information from the provers ended. Then followed analysis of the data.

The method used was based on The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings by Jeremy Sherr.

Collagen-Marine Proving by Valentina Glik & Koby Nehushtan


The proving was initiated by me (Valentina Glik) in September of 2021. This is how it came about.

Since 2019, I had been in a deteriorating state of health. Homeopathy was helping somewhat, but the number of health issues was increasing. I was suffering from insomnia, pain in the right hip, gaining weight, plus a lack of energy. I also lost three teeth at this time. I felt I had aged about ten years. The light in my eyes had disappeared.

I was looking for a solution of any kind and couldn’t find it. I put a lot of money and effort looking for a solution, and not finding it. Then, in August 2021, I heard about a seminar on antiaging homeopathic creams conducted by Koby Nehushtan. I was curious about this topic, so I decided to attend this seminar.

The main thing I learned from the seminar was that using Collagen 3C in a cream is more effective than using collagen in its crude form. I decided to try such a cream. One night I put it on my face and went to bed. Immediately after that I felt slight heart palpitations. I had suffered from these for years and it comes and goes, so I wasn’t too concerned. The next day I used the cream again, putting it on my face and going to bed. I felt very strong palpitations, which was unusual, and I couldn't sleep. After some time, I managed to fall asleep and I had a dream. I don't remember the dream itself but I remember the feeling. It was as if something was released in me, a feeling of complete harmony and happiness, a feeling of capability and light. I never felt this before and it was wonderful! In the morning I became sceptical that the Collagen 3C in the cream had affected me like a well-prescribed remedy. I decided to stop using it and to monitor my state for two weeks. After one week I discovered that I had head lice. I have no idea where they came from.

Because I was monitoring the action of the Collagen 3C, I didn't want to use another remedy. I decided to try to use the Collagen 3C in the cream to fight the lice. I put a bit of cream on the back of my neck, near the bites. The itching became less severe and after a couple of days the lice were almost gone. I don't remember if I continued using the cream after this point, or if I took Collagen 6C orally, but the lice had completely disappeared.

After that I began to sleep well, the hip pain disappeared and my energy improved. 6 This was amazing after two years of suffering. I decided to initiate a Proving of Collagen. I asked Koby Nehushtan to be my partner in this proving in September of 2021. We then collected a group of ten supervisors and ten provers.

Collagen-marine 6C and 30C were taken on 31 October, 2021. On December 16, 2021, collection of information from the provers ended. Then followed analysis of the data.

The method used was based on The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings by Jeremy Sherr.

The remedy is available from the Neot Shoshanim Pharmacy +972 3 5596432 +972 3 5596662 or