Plutonium nitricum book as PDF


Proving by Jeremy Sherr and The Dynamis School London UK 1995

Book by Jeremy Sherr

This is actually a whole book about Plutonium, not just proving data. This is why it’s more expensive.

Today the use of radioactive remedies is becoming commonplace. I make frequent use of them, especially the Californium salts in cases of AIDS. So it is interesting to recall the trepidation I experienced before proving Plutonium nitricum.

Surprisingly Plutonium was far from the worst proving I have experienced. That title belongs to Zizania palustris (Northern wild rice) with some ominous references to an atomic end of the world, as well as putting some provers, including myself, in hospital. Signatures and kingdoms cannot reveal the truths that provings unveil.

Since proving Plutonium nitricum, I feel even more strongly about the need for radioactive remedies. The alarming increase in all types of cancer and other severe pathology demands a new class of remedies capable of producing similar disease. Worse than that, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has left a world heavily polluted with a variety of radioactive substances and the mishandling of the aftermath has put all life on earth in severe danger.

We cannot even begin to imagine the dire consequences of this horrific accident. We must now urgently prove, get to know and use many more radioactive remedies. The important work regarding the collective toxicology of ionising radiation at the end of the book should be studied carefully and added to.

I was always amused to observe homoeopaths visiting my bookstall at conferences. They would cast a fearful glance at the Plutonium book and then purchase the Chocolate proving. I sold ten times more Chocolate than Plutonium.

While that is a sweet anecdote, sadly, we cannot afford to be complacent any longer.

Jeremy Sherr 2014

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Proving by Jeremy Sherr and The Dynamis School London UK 1995

Book by Jeremy Sherr

This is actually a whole book about Plutonium, not just proving data. This is why it’s more expensive.

Today the use of radioactive remedies is becoming commonplace. I make frequent use of them, especially the Californium salts in cases of AIDS. So it is interesting to recall the trepidation I experienced before proving Plutonium nitricum.

Surprisingly Plutonium was far from the worst proving I have experienced. That title belongs to Zizania palustris (Northern wild rice) with some ominous references to an atomic end of the world, as well as putting some provers, including myself, in hospital. Signatures and kingdoms cannot reveal the truths that provings unveil.

Since proving Plutonium nitricum, I feel even more strongly about the need for radioactive remedies. The alarming increase in all types of cancer and other severe pathology demands a new class of remedies capable of producing similar disease. Worse than that, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has left a world heavily polluted with a variety of radioactive substances and the mishandling of the aftermath has put all life on earth in severe danger.

We cannot even begin to imagine the dire consequences of this horrific accident. We must now urgently prove, get to know and use many more radioactive remedies. The important work regarding the collective toxicology of ionising radiation at the end of the book should be studied carefully and added to.

I was always amused to observe homoeopaths visiting my bookstall at conferences. They would cast a fearful glance at the Plutonium book and then purchase the Chocolate proving. I sold ten times more Chocolate than Plutonium.

While that is a sweet anecdote, sadly, we cannot afford to be complacent any longer.

Jeremy Sherr 2014

Proving by Jeremy Sherr and The Dynamis School London UK 1995

Book by Jeremy Sherr

This is actually a whole book about Plutonium, not just proving data. This is why it’s more expensive.

Today the use of radioactive remedies is becoming commonplace. I make frequent use of them, especially the Californium salts in cases of AIDS. So it is interesting to recall the trepidation I experienced before proving Plutonium nitricum.

Surprisingly Plutonium was far from the worst proving I have experienced. That title belongs to Zizania palustris (Northern wild rice) with some ominous references to an atomic end of the world, as well as putting some provers, including myself, in hospital. Signatures and kingdoms cannot reveal the truths that provings unveil.

Since proving Plutonium nitricum, I feel even more strongly about the need for radioactive remedies. The alarming increase in all types of cancer and other severe pathology demands a new class of remedies capable of producing similar disease. Worse than that, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has left a world heavily polluted with a variety of radioactive substances and the mishandling of the aftermath has put all life on earth in severe danger.

We cannot even begin to imagine the dire consequences of this horrific accident. We must now urgently prove, get to know and use many more radioactive remedies. The important work regarding the collective toxicology of ionising radiation at the end of the book should be studied carefully and added to.

I was always amused to observe homoeopaths visiting my bookstall at conferences. They would cast a fearful glance at the Plutonium book and then purchase the Chocolate proving. I sold ten times more Chocolate than Plutonium.

While that is a sweet anecdote, sadly, we cannot afford to be complacent any longer.

Jeremy Sherr 2014

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Americium nitricum Proving
Californium muriaticum Proving