Professional Remedy Kit
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Have you ever been on a plane, train, boat, or simply canoeing down the Amazon and you didn’t have the remedy you needed?
For many years I wanted a traveling kit that had all the remedies I needed when on the move.
But I couldn’t find a kit that fitted my needs. Most first aid kits only have 30-40 remedies- handy for First Aid but not enough for a pro. Other kits had more remedies but were just too big to carry. I didn’t want large heavy bottles filled with lots of globules - just a couple of small pellets will do in a pinch.
So I set about designing a kit that would have all the remedies a professional homeopath needs on the road. A kit that would be light, fit in my travel bag, give easy access to the remedies and look good. Together with B. Jain pharmacies help, and after ten years of work, we have produced.
I selected 192 remedies in 200c potency (no point in messing around in an emergency) - all high-quality production remedies in pellet form in small bottles, with tight fitting plastic caps. I included many of the Dynamis remedies (because I use them a lot). And just in case we missed a remedy you really want we included 10 empty bottles.
All this is packed a compact PU leather case which easily fits into your carryon bag.
And now for the best bit. We made it very affordable - £355.00 (1,85£/remedy!) delivered UK (plus additional tracked postage fees EU and USA/Canada/Australia and rest of world) EU 24£, Rest of the world £45.
Remedy List:
1. Acidum Nitricum 200C
2. Acidum Sulphuricum 200C
3. Aconitum 200C
4. Adamas 200C
5. Adonis Vernalis 200C
6. Aesculus Hipp 200C
7. Aethusa 200C
8. Agaricus Musc 200C
9. Agnus Castus 200C
10. Alfalfa 200C
11. Allium Cepia 200C
12. Aloes Soc 200C
13. Alumina 200C
14. Ambra Grisea 200C
15. Ammonium Carbonicum 200C
16. Anacardium 200C
17. Angustura Vera 200C
18. Ant-C 200C
19. Anthracinum 200C
20. Ant-T 200C
21. Apis Mell 200C
22. Apocynum Cann 200C
23. Aranea Diadema 200C
24. Argent Met 200C
25. Argent Nit 200C
26. Argon 200C
27. Arnica 10m
28. Arnica 200C
29. Arsenicum Alb 200C
30. Asafoetida 200C
31. Aurum Met 200C
32. Aurum Mur Nat. 200C
33. Bacillinum 200C
34. Baptisia Tinctoria 200C
35. Baryta Carb 200C
36. Belladonna 200C
37. Bellis Per. 200C
38. Berberis Vulg. 200 C
39. Bismuth 200C
40. Borax 200C
41. Bothrops 200C
42. Brassica Olei. 200C
43. Bryonia Alba 200C
44. Bufo 200C
45. Cactus Grand. 200C
46. Caladium Seg. 200C
47. Calc sulph. 200C
48. Calcarea Carbonica 200C
49. Calcarea Fluorica 200C
50. Calcarea Silicata 200C
51. Calendula 200C
52. Camphor 200C
53. Cantharis 200C
54. Capsicum 200C
55. Carbo Animalis 200C
56. Carbo Veg. 200C
57. Carsinossin 200C
58. Caulophyllum 200C
59. Causticum 200C
60. Cenchris Contort. 200C
61. Cereus Bonplandii 200C
62. Chamomilla 200C
63. Chelidonium 200C
64. China Off. 200C
65. Chininum Sulphuricum 200C
66. Chlorum 200C
67. Chocolate 200C
68. Cicuta Vir. 200C
69. Cimicifuga 200C
70. Cina 200C
71. Cocculus Ind. 200C
72. Coffea Cruda 200C
73. Colchicum 200C
74. Colocynth 200C
75. Conium Mac. 200C
76. Crotalus Horr. 200C
77. Croton Tig. 200C
78. Cuprum Met. 200C
79. Cinnamomum 200C
80. Cyclamen Europaeum 200C
81. Cygnus 200C
82. Digitalis 200C
83. Dioscorea 200C
84. Drosera 200C
85. Dulcamara 200C
86. Echinacea 200C
87. Eupatorium Perf. 200C
88. Ferrum Met. 200C
89. Ferrum Phos. 200C
90. Gelsemium 200C
91. Germanium 200C
92. Glonoin 200C
93. Granatum 200C
94. Graphites 200C
95. Guaiacum 200C
96. Gunpowder 200C
97. Haliaeetus Leuc 200C
98. Hamamelis Virg. 200C
99. Helium 200C
100. Hepar Sulph. 200C
101. Hydrastis Can. 200C
102. Hydrogen 200C
103. Hyoscyamus 200C
104. Hypericum 200C
105. Ignatia 200C
106. Iodum 200C
107. Ipecac. 200C
108. Iridium 200C
109. Iris Vers. 200C
110. Kali Bich. 200C
111. Kali Brom 200C
112. Kali Carb. 200C
113. Kali Phosphoricum 200C
114. Kreosotum 200C
115. Krypton 200C
116. Lac Caninum 200C
117. Lac Humanum 200C
118. Lachesis 200C
119. Lactic Acid 200C
120. Latrodectus Mac. 200C
121. Ledum Pal. 200C
122. Lilium Tig. 200C
123. Lobelia Inf. 200C
124. Lycopodium 200 C
125. Lyssin 200 C
126. Mag. Carb. 200C
127. Mag. Mur 200C
128. Mag. Phos. 200C
129. Malaria Off. Nosode 200C
130. Medhorrinhum 200C
131. Merc. Iod. Flav 200C
132. Mercuriusvivus 200C
133. Mercurius Corrosivus 200C
134. Moschus 200C
135. Muriatic Acid 200C
136. Myrica Cer. 200C
137. Naja 200C
138. Natrum Carb. 200C
139. Natrum Mur. 200C
140. Natrum Sulph. 200C
141. Neon 200C
142. Nux Vomica 200C
143. Opium 200C
144. Ozone 200C
145. Petroleum 200C
146. Phos Acid 200C
147. Phosphorus 200C
148. Plantago 200C
149. Platinum met 200C
150. Plumbum Met. 200C
151. Plutonium Nit. 200C
152. Podophyllum 200C
153. Polaris 200C
154. Psorinum 200C
155. Pulsatilla 200C
156. Pyrogen 200C
157. Ranunculus Bulb. 200C
158. Rhododendron 200C
159. Rhus Tox 200C
160. Rumex Crispus 200C
161. Ruta Grav. 200C
162. Sabadilla 200C
163. Sabina 200C
164. Sarsaparilla 200C
165. Secale 200C
166. Sepia 200C
167. Silicea 200C
168. Spigelia 200C
169. Spongia Tosta 200C
170. Stannum Met. 200C
171. Staphysagria 200C
172. Sticta Pulm. 200C
173. Stramonium 200C
174. Strontium Carb. 200C
175. Sulphur 200C
176. Sulphuric Acid 200C
177. Symphytumofficinale 200C
178. Syphilinum 200C
179. Tabacum 200C
180. Tarentula Cub. 200C
181. Taxus Baccata 200C
182. Terebinth 200C
183. Thuja 200C
184. Uranium Nit. 200C
185. Urtica Urens 200C
186. Valeriana 200C
187. Veratrum Alb. 200C
188. Vespa Crabo 200C
189. Wyethia 200C
190. Zincum Met. 200C
From 2023 the kits now also contain - Bambussa and Oncor (Salmon)
Order by emailing
Have you ever been on a plane, train, boat, or simply canoeing down the Amazon and you didn’t have the remedy you needed?
For many years I wanted a traveling kit that had all the remedies I needed when on the move.
But I couldn’t find a kit that fitted my needs. Most first aid kits only have 30-40 remedies- handy for First Aid but not enough for a pro. Other kits had more remedies but were just too big to carry. I didn’t want large heavy bottles filled with lots of globules - just a couple of small pellets will do in a pinch.
So I set about designing a kit that would have all the remedies a professional homeopath needs on the road. A kit that would be light, fit in my travel bag, give easy access to the remedies and look good. Together with B. Jain pharmacies help, and after ten years of work, we have produced.
I selected 192 remedies in 200c potency (no point in messing around in an emergency) - all high-quality production remedies in pellet form in small bottles, with tight fitting plastic caps. I included many of the Dynamis remedies (because I use them a lot). And just in case we missed a remedy you really want we included 10 empty bottles.
All this is packed a compact PU leather case which easily fits into your carryon bag.
And now for the best bit. We made it very affordable - £355.00 (1,85£/remedy!) delivered UK (plus additional tracked postage fees EU and USA/Canada/Australia and rest of world) EU 24£, Rest of the world £45.
Remedy List:
1. Acidum Nitricum 200C
2. Acidum Sulphuricum 200C
3. Aconitum 200C
4. Adamas 200C
5. Adonis Vernalis 200C
6. Aesculus Hipp 200C
7. Aethusa 200C
8. Agaricus Musc 200C
9. Agnus Castus 200C
10. Alfalfa 200C
11. Allium Cepia 200C
12. Aloes Soc 200C
13. Alumina 200C
14. Ambra Grisea 200C
15. Ammonium Carbonicum 200C
16. Anacardium 200C
17. Angustura Vera 200C
18. Ant-C 200C
19. Anthracinum 200C
20. Ant-T 200C
21. Apis Mell 200C
22. Apocynum Cann 200C
23. Aranea Diadema 200C
24. Argent Met 200C
25. Argent Nit 200C
26. Argon 200C
27. Arnica 10m
28. Arnica 200C
29. Arsenicum Alb 200C
30. Asafoetida 200C
31. Aurum Met 200C
32. Aurum Mur Nat. 200C
33. Bacillinum 200C
34. Baptisia Tinctoria 200C
35. Baryta Carb 200C
36. Belladonna 200C
37. Bellis Per. 200C
38. Berberis Vulg. 200 C
39. Bismuth 200C
40. Borax 200C
41. Bothrops 200C
42. Brassica Olei. 200C
43. Bryonia Alba 200C
44. Bufo 200C
45. Cactus Grand. 200C
46. Caladium Seg. 200C
47. Calc sulph. 200C
48. Calcarea Carbonica 200C
49. Calcarea Fluorica 200C
50. Calcarea Silicata 200C
51. Calendula 200C
52. Camphor 200C
53. Cantharis 200C
54. Capsicum 200C
55. Carbo Animalis 200C
56. Carbo Veg. 200C
57. Carsinossin 200C
58. Caulophyllum 200C
59. Causticum 200C
60. Cenchris Contort. 200C
61. Cereus Bonplandii 200C
62. Chamomilla 200C
63. Chelidonium 200C
64. China Off. 200C
65. Chininum Sulphuricum 200C
66. Chlorum 200C
67. Chocolate 200C
68. Cicuta Vir. 200C
69. Cimicifuga 200C
70. Cina 200C
71. Cocculus Ind. 200C
72. Coffea Cruda 200C
73. Colchicum 200C
74. Colocynth 200C
75. Conium Mac. 200C
76. Crotalus Horr. 200C
77. Croton Tig. 200C
78. Cuprum Met. 200C
79. Cinnamomum 200C
80. Cyclamen Europaeum 200C
81. Cygnus 200C
82. Digitalis 200C
83. Dioscorea 200C
84. Drosera 200C
85. Dulcamara 200C
86. Echinacea 200C
87. Eupatorium Perf. 200C
88. Ferrum Met. 200C
89. Ferrum Phos. 200C
90. Gelsemium 200C
91. Germanium 200C
92. Glonoin 200C
93. Granatum 200C
94. Graphites 200C
95. Guaiacum 200C
96. Gunpowder 200C
97. Haliaeetus Leuc 200C
98. Hamamelis Virg. 200C
99. Helium 200C
100. Hepar Sulph. 200C
101. Hydrastis Can. 200C
102. Hydrogen 200C
103. Hyoscyamus 200C
104. Hypericum 200C
105. Ignatia 200C
106. Iodum 200C
107. Ipecac. 200C
108. Iridium 200C
109. Iris Vers. 200C
110. Kali Bich. 200C
111. Kali Brom 200C
112. Kali Carb. 200C
113. Kali Phosphoricum 200C
114. Kreosotum 200C
115. Krypton 200C
116. Lac Caninum 200C
117. Lac Humanum 200C
118. Lachesis 200C
119. Lactic Acid 200C
120. Latrodectus Mac. 200C
121. Ledum Pal. 200C
122. Lilium Tig. 200C
123. Lobelia Inf. 200C
124. Lycopodium 200 C
125. Lyssin 200 C
126. Mag. Carb. 200C
127. Mag. Mur 200C
128. Mag. Phos. 200C
129. Malaria Off. Nosode 200C
130. Medhorrinhum 200C
131. Merc. Iod. Flav 200C
132. Mercuriusvivus 200C
133. Mercurius Corrosivus 200C
134. Moschus 200C
135. Muriatic Acid 200C
136. Myrica Cer. 200C
137. Naja 200C
138. Natrum Carb. 200C
139. Natrum Mur. 200C
140. Natrum Sulph. 200C
141. Neon 200C
142. Nux Vomica 200C
143. Opium 200C
144. Ozone 200C
145. Petroleum 200C
146. Phos Acid 200C
147. Phosphorus 200C
148. Plantago 200C
149. Platinum met 200C
150. Plumbum Met. 200C
151. Plutonium Nit. 200C
152. Podophyllum 200C
153. Polaris 200C
154. Psorinum 200C
155. Pulsatilla 200C
156. Pyrogen 200C
157. Ranunculus Bulb. 200C
158. Rhododendron 200C
159. Rhus Tox 200C
160. Rumex Crispus 200C
161. Ruta Grav. 200C
162. Sabadilla 200C
163. Sabina 200C
164. Sarsaparilla 200C
165. Secale 200C
166. Sepia 200C
167. Silicea 200C
168. Spigelia 200C
169. Spongia Tosta 200C
170. Stannum Met. 200C
171. Staphysagria 200C
172. Sticta Pulm. 200C
173. Stramonium 200C
174. Strontium Carb. 200C
175. Sulphur 200C
176. Sulphuric Acid 200C
177. Symphytumofficinale 200C
178. Syphilinum 200C
179. Tabacum 200C
180. Tarentula Cub. 200C
181. Taxus Baccata 200C
182. Terebinth 200C
183. Thuja 200C
184. Uranium Nit. 200C
185. Urtica Urens 200C
186. Valeriana 200C
187. Veratrum Alb. 200C
188. Vespa Crabo 200C
189. Wyethia 200C
190. Zincum Met. 200C
From 2023 the kits now also contain - Bambussa and Oncor (Salmon)
Order by emailing
Have you ever been on a plane, train, boat, or simply canoeing down the Amazon and you didn’t have the remedy you needed?
For many years I wanted a traveling kit that had all the remedies I needed when on the move.
But I couldn’t find a kit that fitted my needs. Most first aid kits only have 30-40 remedies- handy for First Aid but not enough for a pro. Other kits had more remedies but were just too big to carry. I didn’t want large heavy bottles filled with lots of globules - just a couple of small pellets will do in a pinch.
So I set about designing a kit that would have all the remedies a professional homeopath needs on the road. A kit that would be light, fit in my travel bag, give easy access to the remedies and look good. Together with B. Jain pharmacies help, and after ten years of work, we have produced.
I selected 192 remedies in 200c potency (no point in messing around in an emergency) - all high-quality production remedies in pellet form in small bottles, with tight fitting plastic caps. I included many of the Dynamis remedies (because I use them a lot). And just in case we missed a remedy you really want we included 10 empty bottles.
All this is packed a compact PU leather case which easily fits into your carryon bag.
And now for the best bit. We made it very affordable - £355.00 (1,85£/remedy!) delivered UK (plus additional tracked postage fees EU and USA/Canada/Australia and rest of world) EU 24£, Rest of the world £45.
Remedy List:
1. Acidum Nitricum 200C
2. Acidum Sulphuricum 200C
3. Aconitum 200C
4. Adamas 200C
5. Adonis Vernalis 200C
6. Aesculus Hipp 200C
7. Aethusa 200C
8. Agaricus Musc 200C
9. Agnus Castus 200C
10. Alfalfa 200C
11. Allium Cepia 200C
12. Aloes Soc 200C
13. Alumina 200C
14. Ambra Grisea 200C
15. Ammonium Carbonicum 200C
16. Anacardium 200C
17. Angustura Vera 200C
18. Ant-C 200C
19. Anthracinum 200C
20. Ant-T 200C
21. Apis Mell 200C
22. Apocynum Cann 200C
23. Aranea Diadema 200C
24. Argent Met 200C
25. Argent Nit 200C
26. Argon 200C
27. Arnica 10m
28. Arnica 200C
29. Arsenicum Alb 200C
30. Asafoetida 200C
31. Aurum Met 200C
32. Aurum Mur Nat. 200C
33. Bacillinum 200C
34. Baptisia Tinctoria 200C
35. Baryta Carb 200C
36. Belladonna 200C
37. Bellis Per. 200C
38. Berberis Vulg. 200 C
39. Bismuth 200C
40. Borax 200C
41. Bothrops 200C
42. Brassica Olei. 200C
43. Bryonia Alba 200C
44. Bufo 200C
45. Cactus Grand. 200C
46. Caladium Seg. 200C
47. Calc sulph. 200C
48. Calcarea Carbonica 200C
49. Calcarea Fluorica 200C
50. Calcarea Silicata 200C
51. Calendula 200C
52. Camphor 200C
53. Cantharis 200C
54. Capsicum 200C
55. Carbo Animalis 200C
56. Carbo Veg. 200C
57. Carsinossin 200C
58. Caulophyllum 200C
59. Causticum 200C
60. Cenchris Contort. 200C
61. Cereus Bonplandii 200C
62. Chamomilla 200C
63. Chelidonium 200C
64. China Off. 200C
65. Chininum Sulphuricum 200C
66. Chlorum 200C
67. Chocolate 200C
68. Cicuta Vir. 200C
69. Cimicifuga 200C
70. Cina 200C
71. Cocculus Ind. 200C
72. Coffea Cruda 200C
73. Colchicum 200C
74. Colocynth 200C
75. Conium Mac. 200C
76. Crotalus Horr. 200C
77. Croton Tig. 200C
78. Cuprum Met. 200C
79. Cinnamomum 200C
80. Cyclamen Europaeum 200C
81. Cygnus 200C
82. Digitalis 200C
83. Dioscorea 200C
84. Drosera 200C
85. Dulcamara 200C
86. Echinacea 200C
87. Eupatorium Perf. 200C
88. Ferrum Met. 200C
89. Ferrum Phos. 200C
90. Gelsemium 200C
91. Germanium 200C
92. Glonoin 200C
93. Granatum 200C
94. Graphites 200C
95. Guaiacum 200C
96. Gunpowder 200C
97. Haliaeetus Leuc 200C
98. Hamamelis Virg. 200C
99. Helium 200C
100. Hepar Sulph. 200C
101. Hydrastis Can. 200C
102. Hydrogen 200C
103. Hyoscyamus 200C
104. Hypericum 200C
105. Ignatia 200C
106. Iodum 200C
107. Ipecac. 200C
108. Iridium 200C
109. Iris Vers. 200C
110. Kali Bich. 200C
111. Kali Brom 200C
112. Kali Carb. 200C
113. Kali Phosphoricum 200C
114. Kreosotum 200C
115. Krypton 200C
116. Lac Caninum 200C
117. Lac Humanum 200C
118. Lachesis 200C
119. Lactic Acid 200C
120. Latrodectus Mac. 200C
121. Ledum Pal. 200C
122. Lilium Tig. 200C
123. Lobelia Inf. 200C
124. Lycopodium 200 C
125. Lyssin 200 C
126. Mag. Carb. 200C
127. Mag. Mur 200C
128. Mag. Phos. 200C
129. Malaria Off. Nosode 200C
130. Medhorrinhum 200C
131. Merc. Iod. Flav 200C
132. Mercuriusvivus 200C
133. Mercurius Corrosivus 200C
134. Moschus 200C
135. Muriatic Acid 200C
136. Myrica Cer. 200C
137. Naja 200C
138. Natrum Carb. 200C
139. Natrum Mur. 200C
140. Natrum Sulph. 200C
141. Neon 200C
142. Nux Vomica 200C
143. Opium 200C
144. Ozone 200C
145. Petroleum 200C
146. Phos Acid 200C
147. Phosphorus 200C
148. Plantago 200C
149. Platinum met 200C
150. Plumbum Met. 200C
151. Plutonium Nit. 200C
152. Podophyllum 200C
153. Polaris 200C
154. Psorinum 200C
155. Pulsatilla 200C
156. Pyrogen 200C
157. Ranunculus Bulb. 200C
158. Rhododendron 200C
159. Rhus Tox 200C
160. Rumex Crispus 200C
161. Ruta Grav. 200C
162. Sabadilla 200C
163. Sabina 200C
164. Sarsaparilla 200C
165. Secale 200C
166. Sepia 200C
167. Silicea 200C
168. Spigelia 200C
169. Spongia Tosta 200C
170. Stannum Met. 200C
171. Staphysagria 200C
172. Sticta Pulm. 200C
173. Stramonium 200C
174. Strontium Carb. 200C
175. Sulphur 200C
176. Sulphuric Acid 200C
177. Symphytumofficinale 200C
178. Syphilinum 200C
179. Tabacum 200C
180. Tarentula Cub. 200C
181. Taxus Baccata 200C
182. Terebinth 200C
183. Thuja 200C
184. Uranium Nit. 200C
185. Urtica Urens 200C
186. Valeriana 200C
187. Veratrum Alb. 200C
188. Vespa Crabo 200C
189. Wyethia 200C
190. Zincum Met. 200C
From 2023 the kits now also contain - Bambussa and Oncor (Salmon)
Shipment Information and Customs
All kits will be sent out ‘tracked and signed for’ from our office in the UK. It is the buyer’s responsibility to confirm the customs requirements of their country, and if a package is stopped, or additional charges incurred due to the customs regulations of the country this will be the buyer’s responsibility.
Customs charges are the responsibility of the customer. Please ensure that all import regulations are fully understood before placing an order. Dynamis reserves the right not to refund or accept returns for any orders refused by customs. Nor will Dynamis refund any orders impounded by customs.
WE ARE UNABLE TO SUPPLY UAE, Africa (including South Africa and Egypt), and Norway with kits due to customs restrictions.
There are known limitations in Canada and Australia so we urge buyer’s from these countries to consult with their customs before ordering. Currently we are not able to send kits to Israel.
How do I order a kit?
Please email your order directly to me - Liz Norman at with your full name, address including postal codes, and a contact number for the courier.
How do I pay for the kit(s)?
Once you have a total to pay (including postage) you can pay via PayPal to I can send a money request to you, along with an invoice. On receipt of your payment I will arrange the tracked delivery and share the tracking information with you.
How long will delivery take?
This can vary depending on country from one week to 4 weeks, you will have information via your tracking number.
What are the bottle caps?
Soft elastic cap with push and pull mechanism.
Are the vials plastic or glass?
The vials are made of strong plastic. By using glass the kit would have had to be much heavier and one of the main considerations was making it as light as possible as a travel kit. Thinner glass would be a safety hazard so we opted for plastic.
How big is the kit?
L 162mm x H 172mm x W79mm
What size are the vials?
They are 1.3gm
What size are the pillules?
The individual pillules/granules are <1mm diameter – one dose is ‘one pinch’
How much does each kit weigh?
Each kit is approx 1.5kg
Can I order multiple kits?
Yes of course, the carriage costs will be calculated accordingly. However please note that for many countries the likelihood of customs stopping/charging for remedies will be greater the larger/higher value the consignment. Hence the majority of orders will be shipped on an individual basis.
Do the pills contain lactose or eggs?
Technical Staff at Bjain confirm that the pills are made pure pharma grade sugar and don’t contain lactose or any eggs or gluten.